May 11, 2022
12:00 am
v v sagara
Swimming Federation of India takes its Open Water Swimming Trials on 11th May 2022 at VV Sagara, Chitradurga, Karnataka organized by Karnataka Swimming Association under the auspices of Swimming Federation of India in association with Dept. of Youth Empowerment & Sports & District Administrative ,Chitradurga District.
The above trial will be a qualifier meet for the forthcoming WORLD OPEN WATER SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP to be held in Budapest in June 2022. Indian Team will be selected for 5Km & 10Km event from this trials. Only 1 Men & 1 Women will be selected for 5Km and 10 Km for world championships from the trials.
All affiliated units of Swimming Federation of India are invited to send their top Open Water players for this trial. Swimmer can enter for 1 event. Participating Swimmer should have prior competed and completed in any SFI recognized event for 5km/10km.
The Competition will be held in Open category and Swimmers who 14 years and above will be eligible to accordance with FINA Open Water rules.
The participants must be registered on SFI GMS portal have valid SFI UID. They have to submit the same along with Valid Passport validity up to December 2022. No swimmer will be allowed to enter in the trials that do not have valid passport and SFI UID.
Click here to go to the event page and view the result.